新潟県新潟市西区五十嵐2の町8050 新潟大学教育学部
Niigata University, Faculty of Education, 8050, Ikarashi-Ninocho, Niigata, 950-2181, Japan
Graduate ceremony was conducted while I could not attend the party. Few days before the ceremony, I got some special gifts from students including track and field club students. Thank you for all of their kindness! Hopefully they will have good time in the next life stages.
東奈那美 「暑熱ストレス下における運動時の音楽聴取が生体反応および運動耐容能に及ぼす影響」
設楽陽介 「βアドレナリン受容体の局所阻害が漸増負荷運動時の発汗反応に及ぼす影響」
鈴木未紗 「運動後の牛乳摂取が引き続き行う運動の耐容能に及ぼす影響」
高松愛咲美 「運動後の牛乳摂取によるその後の体温調節特性の検討」
Four undergrads students presented their thesis for their bachelor's degree. They did excellent jobs although this is the first year for the lab. Congratulation!
Nanami Azuma "Effect of music on endurance exercise tolerance in a heated condition"
Yosuke Shitara "Influence of localized beta-adrenergic blockade on sweating response during incremental exercise in trained men"
Misa Suzuki "Effect of post-exercise milk ingestion on exercise performance in a heated condition"
Asaami Takamatsu "Effect of post-exercise milk ingestion on thermoregulatory responses"
Dr. Nicola Gerrett(日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員,神戸大学)が研究室を訪問され,特別講義を行いました.特別講義は主に「イギリスの大学におけるスポーツ科学の現状」と「運動時の汗のイオン再吸収」に関する内容でした.学生も「日本の大学におけるスポーツ科学の現状」について発表を行いました.イギリスの大学でスポーツ科学を勉強する環境(学部,学科,授業,部活動,就職など)は日本と異なり,興味深いものでした.また,汗のイオン再吸収については,ジャレット博士が行っている研究を中心に,最新の知見を紹介してもらい,今後の研究活動の励みになりました.講義を受講した学生にとっても,有意義な時間になったと思います.また,本年度行った卒業研究を4回生が英語発表したり,3回生と交流するなど,研究室にとって有意義な時間となりました.(今回の講義等は新潟大学グローバル人材育成推進事業の支援のもと行いました)
”Eccrine sweat glands ion reabsorption: the influence of rest and exercise” (Dr. Gerrett)
"Education of sports science in Universities in the UK" (Dr. Gerrett)
"Announcement on Japanese sports University" (Mr. Ishiguro and Ms. Katsuno)
"Regulation and adaptation of sweating during exercise" (Amano)
"Effect of music on endurance exercise performance in heated conditions" (Ms. Azuma)
"Effect of post-exercise milk ingestion on sweat glands function" (Ms. Takamatsu)
"Effect of post-exercise milk ingestion on exercise performance in heated conditions" (Ms. Suzuki)
"Evidence for beta-adrenergic sweating response during incremental exercise in trained men" (Mr. Shitara)
Dr Nicola Gerrett (JSPS overseas research fellow, Kobe University) visited our lab. She had above mentioned lectures in my class. Both lectures were really exciting and developed our general knowledge of sports science and research. These are important to think and act at the global stand point.
共同研究者のDr. Nicola Gerrett博士(ウースター大学,イギリス;日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員,神戸大学)が研究室を訪問されました.天野は3月まで神戸大の研究室でDr. Gerrett と一緒に研究を行っていました.Dr. Gerrett には温熱生理学に関する講演(Factors affecting our perception of temperature)をして頂き,また,新たに始めた実験の被験者もしてもらいました.
Dr Nicola Gerrett (University of Worcester, UK; JSPS overseas research fellow, Kobe University) visited our lab. She presented her recent works entitled "Factors affecting our perception of temperature". In addition, she participated our pilot study as a subject.
Lab was cleaned up by students. Pics show before, during, and after the clearning.
New job was started in Niigata Uni. I am happy to be in new place while really miss Kobe.